
[돼지독감] What Mexico Taught the World About Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Community Mitigation Strategies

What Mexico Taught the World About Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Community Mitigation Strategies

Alexandra Minna Stern, PhD; Howard Markel, MD, PhD

출처 :
JAMA. 2009;Vol. 302 No. 11, September 16, 2009 : pp 1221-1222.

원문 제공 : http://dse.healthrepository.org/handle/123456789/561 

On April 24, 2009, for the first time in Mexican history, President Felipe Calderón invoked the emergency health powers outlined in Mexico’s Constitution and General Health Law.1-2 The catalyst for this dramatic action was the appearance of a novel strain of influenza A(H1N1) of unclear severity. Harkening back to measures that originated in the late 14th century, when bubonic plague stalked much of Europe and Asia prompting ports and nation-states to order mass quarantines, Mexico instituted a broad-based and exacting menu of community mitigation strategies, or nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), including school closure, public gathering bans, isolation, quarantine, and social distancing.

Beginning on the morning of April 24, all schools were closed in Mexico City, the world’s third largest metropolis (population >20 million), which encompasses the federal district and state of Mexico. By April 27, authorities cast the net wider and all Mexicans …

Author Affiliations: Center for the History of Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

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