
[돼지독감] 미 신종플루 감염자 2천2백만명, 사망자 4천, 어린이 540명

미 질병관리본부에서 2009년 4월부터 6개월간 미국에서 신종플루를 앓았던 사람이 2천2백만명에 달하고, 그 중에서 4천명이 사망했다고 발표했습니다. 4천명의 사망자 중에는 어린이 540명도 포함되어 있습니다.

신종플루와 그와 관련된 합병증으로 입원한 사람이 9만8천명이었는데, 어린이가 3만 6천명, 65세 이하 성인이 5만3천명, 65세 이하 노인이 9천명이었다고 밝혔습니다.

사망자는 2천5백명~6천명으로 추정되는데 CDC는 평균 3천9백명으로 결정했다고 합니다.

신종플루에 감염된 2천2백만명 중에서 어린이가 8백만명, 65세 이하 성인이 1천2백만명, 65세 이상 노인이 2백만명이었습니다.

미국에서는 겨울철 계절성 독감으로 20만명이 입원치료를 받고, 그 중 3만6천명이 사망하고 있으며, 사망자의 대다수는 65세 이상의 노인입니다.

추정 통계 상 어린이 사망자가 급격하게 늘어난 것으로 보이는데요… CDC의 보수적인 통계로 확정진단을 받은 어린이 신종플루 사망자는 1주일 전까지 129명이었습니다. (이번에 추정 통계치를 발표하다 보니 일주일 사이에 급격하게 어린이 사망자가 늘어난 것으로 착시현상이 나타난 것일 뿐이라고 해석해야 옳다고 생각합니다.)


CDC: Swine flu has sickened 22 million in 6 months

By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard, Ap Medical Writer –

출처 : AP 2009년 11월 13일 오전 10시(한국시간)
WASHINGTON – Swine flu has sickened about 22 million Americans since April and killed nearly 4,000, including 540 children, according to startling federal estimates released Thursday.

The figures — roughly a quadrupling of previous death estimates — don’t mean swine flu suddenly has worsened, and most cases still don’t require a doctor’s care. Instead, the numbers are a long-awaited better attempt to quantify the new flu’s true toll.

“I am expecting all of these numbers, unfortunately, to continue to rise,” said Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We have a long flu season ahead of us.”

And tight supplies of vaccine to combat the illness continue: Not quite 42 million doses are currently available, a few million less than CDC had predicted last week.

A new Associated Press-GfK poll shows nearly one in six parents has gotten at least some of their children vaccinated against swine flu since inoculations began last month. Another 14 percent of parents sought vaccine, but couldn’t find any.

Only about 30 percent of children routinely get flu vaccinations during a normal winter. That even this many have gotten vaccinated against the new flu that scientists call the 2009 H1N1 strain despite the shortage suggests CDC’s target-the-young message has gotten through.

But three times as many adults have tried and failed to find vaccine for themselves as have succeeded.

“I know they’re trying their hardest,” Joy McGavin of Pittston, Pa., said of the CDC’s vaccine efforts. She hasn’t yet found vaccine for her three children despite a persistent hunt — even though she and her youngest child are at extra risk because of chronic illnesses.

“But it is kind of frustrating, being as my children’s school already shut down” because of a big outbreak, McGavin said.

And interest among the young adults who also are at high risk is waning fast, found the AP-GfK poll of 1,006 adults nationwide.

Thursday, Schuchat again urged patience in seeking vaccine.

“It’s a marathon and not a sprint,” she said. “More vaccine is being ordered and delivered and used every day.”

Until now, the CDC has conservatively estimated more than 1,000 deaths and “many millions” of new H1N1 infections. The agency was devoting more time to battling the pandemic than to counting it, and earlier figures were based on laboratory-confirmed cases even as doctors largely quit using flu tests months ago — and experts knew that deaths from things like the bacterial pneumonia that often follows flu were being missed.

Thursday’s report attempts to calculate the first six months of the new H1N1 strain’s spread, from April through mid-October. The CDC said:

_Some 98,000 people have been hospitalized from this new flu or its complications, including 36,000 children, 53,000 adults younger than 65 and 9,000 older adults.

_Deaths could range from a low of 2,500 to as many as 6,100, depending on how the data’s analyzed. CDC settled on 3,900 as the best estimate.

_Some 8 million children have become ill, 12 million adults younger than 65 and 2 million older adults.

In a typical winter, seasonal flu strains cause 200,000 U.S. hospitalizations and 36,000 deaths, the vast majority in people over 65. Seasonal influenza doesn’t usually start circulating until November while swine flu began a big climb in September, leading to what CDC called unprecedented high levels of illness so early in a season — and no way to know when the flu will peak.

The estimate of child deaths may seem especially surprising, considering the CDC’s conservative count of lab-confirmed deaths a week ago was 129.

“We don’t think things have changed from last week to this week,” Schuchat stressed, explaining the importance of looking beyond those lab counts. It’s “a better estimate for the big picture of what’s out there.”

The question now is what effect those estimates will have on a public that largely views swine flu as not that big a threat.

The AP-GfK poll, conducted last weekend, found just 23 percent of responders — and 27 percent of parents — were very likely to keep seeking vaccine.

Stephanie Hannon of Douglas, Mass., decided to get a swine flu vaccine for just one of her three children, the one at extra risk because of asthma. She’s concerned that the swine flu vaccine hasn’t been studied long enough to justify for her less-at-risk youngsters.

“Only because of my other daughter’s condition, I felt like I didn’t have a choice,” she said. “You never know if you make the right decision.”

Swine flu targets young adults, too, yet just 16 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds were very likely to seek vaccine, down from 34 percent in September.

The AP-GfK Poll was conducted Nov. 5-9 by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Media. It involved landline and cell phone interviews with 1,006 adults nationwide, and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.


AP Polling Director Trevor Tompson contributed to this report.


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