
[돼지독감] ECDC 일일 업데이트… 전세계 사망자 6706명


091112_ECDC_H1N1_Situation.pdf (515.49 KB)


Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
Update 12 November 2009, 09:00 hours CEST

Public Health Development on critical care services published; European Planning
Assumptions for Pandemic 2009 published; Updates from EpiSouth included; GSK vaccine approved by US FDA; Total of 429 fatal cases in Europe and EFTA countries and 6 277 in the rest of the world have been reported up to date.

2009년 11월 12일자 ECDC 통계 : 전세계 신종플루 사망자 6706명

The approaching pandemic pressures on critical care services in European hospitals – preparation is crucial

Countries in the southern hemisphere and the Americas have already experienced the first marked peaks of the 2009 pandemic. The greatest pressures were in hospitals and especially critical or intensive care. Already this autumn the first affected European countries are seeing the same and a few European countries are known to have made plans to significantly increase their capacity, for example for ventilating patients. Reports on epidemiological and clinical presentation of influenza pandemic in other countries provide reliable estimates of the burden of disease, the effectiveness of treatment and best use of public health resources and likely outcomes for patients. Recently ECDC attended a WHO global consultation to gather such information. This Public Health development summarises some of the findings from that meeting and seven recent publications. The main points include the need to keep primary and secondary care integrated (so that hospitals are not over burdened), to develop protocols for triaging sick patients, to increase critical care and especially ventilatory capacity and to ensure early use of antivirals as there is convincing observational evidence that this is effective in averting or mitigating severe disease.
Full Public health development will be published today on the ECDC website:

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