
[돼지독감] 캐나다 보건당국, 신종플루 백신 부작용 사례 17건 밝혀내

캐나다 온타리오주 보건당국이 신종플루 예방접종을 받은 이후 심각한 병이 생긴 사례를 규명했다는 소식입니다. 이번에 규명된 17건의 사례는 4건의 길렝-바레 증후군(Guillain-Barre Syndrome), 13건의 아나팔락시스(anaphylaxis)입니다.

길렝-바레 증후군(Guillain-Barre Syndrome)은 호흡에 필요한 근육을 마비시켜 질식사를 초래하는 치명적인 신경계 질병입니다.

아나팔락시스(anaphylaxis)는 급성 알러지 반응에 의해 피부에 두드러기가 돋아나서 가려움증을 유발하거나, 기관지 점막이 부어서 호흡곤란 증세가 나타나거나, 위장의 점막이 붓거나 심장박동이 빨라지거나, 급성 쇼크에 의해 사망할 수도 있는 과민반응입니다.


H1N1 flu shot illness probed

Province looking into 17 cases


출처 : CNews - Feb 02 5:18 AM

TORONTO — The Ontario health ministry is investigating 17 cases in which people fell seriously ill after the receipt of the H1N1 flu vaccine.

Andrew Morrison, spokeman for the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, said the cases include four vaccine recipients who came down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) — a rare neurological condition characterized by sudden weakness or parlysis. Another 13 people came down with anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction which can include symptoms of anaphylactic shock, rapid heartbeat, itchiness in the skin and difficulty breathing.

Donna Hartlen, a 39-year-old Markham mother, was diagnosed with GBS two weeks after receiving a shot of the vaccine.

She is partially paralyzed on the right side of her face. She is no longer able to properly chew food and her right eye is bandaged because she can no longer blink to protect it.

Don Gibson, 80, also of Markham and developed GBS, said he received the same batch of H1N1 flu vaccine two days before Hartlen from the same Markham doctor’s office. Gibson also blames the H1N1 vaccine for his GBS infection.

Morrison said there are measures in place to watch for severe allergic reactions following the administering of vaccines. Health Canada has pulled a batch of the swine flu vaccine — produced by GlaxoSmithKline Inc. — after it appeared that the batch may have caused higher rates of severe allergic reactions than other lots.

No one knows why GBS affects some people and not others.

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