
[광우병] Mad cow change concerns prompt review

2003년 미국의 광우병 발생으로 미국산 쇠고기 수입을 전면금지했던 호주 정부가 2010년 3월 수입재개 결정을 내렸는데, 호주에서도 미약하지만 페이스북 등을 통해 미국산 쇠고기 수입을 반대하는 운동이 벌어지고 있다는 소식입니다.

호주의 축산업계, 소비자단체, 야당 등의 비판에 직면한 호주연방정부의 토니 버크 농수산부장관은 광우병 발생으로 수입이 중단되었던 미국산 쇠고기 전면수입 결정을 번복하여 24개월 간의 수입위험분석(24-month import risk analysis)을 실시하기로 결정했다고 합니다.

이번 2년 간의 수입위험분석 결정은 미국산 쇠고기 수입재개를 비판하는 축산 및 소비자단체의 입장을 수용하고, 불공정 무역행위로 인한  WTO 제소를 회피하기 위한 호주정부의 묘수로 판단됩니다.

명목은 뉴질랜드산을 제외한 외국산 쇠고기 수입위험평가를 위한 2년 간의 쇠고기 수입중단이지만, 실질적으로는 미국산 쇠고기 수입중단 조치라고 할 수 있습니다.

미국과 호주는 지난 2004년 FTA 협상을 체결하면서 광우병 검역기준을 OIE 기준에 따르기로 side letter까지 작성하였음에도 불구하고 현재까지 쇠고기 수입이 전면 중단된 상황입니다.

미국, 캐나다 등 광우병이 발생하여 호주로 쇠고기 수출이 중단된 국가들의 향후 대응을 지켜봐야 할 것 같습니다.


Mad cow change concerns prompt review

The Federal Government has reversed its decision to allow beef imports from countries previously affected by bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which is also known as mad cow disease.

The Government lifted the blanket ban on beef imports at the start of the month despite concerns the move could hurt Australia’s beef industry.

But Agriculture Minister Tony Burke has put that decision on hold to allow for a full import risk analysis to be conducted.

Mr Burke says his intervention was in response to significant community concern about lifting the ban.

“People want to know absolutely that we will be retaining the best possible food safety standards,” he said.

“Certainly it is an unusual situation for a minister to personally intervene. The level of community concern, I believe, has been sufficient to add that level of formality to the process.”

Mr Burke says the assessment will take two years to complete and during that time only beef from New Zealand can be imported.

The Federal Opposition – which had said lifting the ban would put Australia’s beef industry and disease-free status in jeopardy – has welcomed Mr Burke’s decision as a win for common sense.

The Cattle Council of Australia, meanwhile, is concerned another two years of banning beef imports will damage Australia’s trade relationship with the United States.

Council president Greg Brown says the group wants strict scientific testing, but importation should be allowed as soon as possible.

“The protectionists have gotten into this argument and they don’t want anything at all to come here and that’s very concerning for us,” he said.

“All the talk about American beef being infected with BSE and we don’t want it here… it must be terribly damaging to our relationship with what is a very good trading friend.”

‘Say no’

Almost 9,000 people have joined the Facebook site Support Aussie Farmers – Say No To Imported Beef since the import ban was lifted.

The group said many consumers wanted imported beef clearly labelled in supermarkets.

Founder of the page, Donna Morrison from Drysdale in Victoria, says Australian consumers have a right to know what they are eating.

“It just makes me so happy to find so many more people out there like myself that are passionate about this country, about its farmers and about our rights,” she said.

“The majority of people and myself would prefer to support Australian farmers and back Australian farmers and eat Australian beef.

“It’s the best in the world.”

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