
[돼지독감] WHO 스캔들 관련 PACE 청문회 (보다르크 의원)

볼프강 보다르크 박사의 홈페이지에 실려 있는 유럽의회에서 ‘WHO의 가짜 신종플루 대유행 스캔들’에 대해 조사하고 있는 현황과 관련된 소식입니다.

지난 3월 말 파리에서 개최된 PACE’s Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee 두번째 청문회 PPT 자료와 비디오 자료들이 첨부되어 있습니다.

WHO의 인플루엔자 대유행 선언이 늑대 소년의 외침과 비슷하게 되어 버린 현 상황에서 볼프강 보다르크 박사의 주장대로 WHO의 대유행 선언이 거대 제약기업의 이윤을 챙겨주기 위한 결정이었는지는 아직 확실하게 규명된 것이 없습니다.

문제는 이번 스캔들 의혹을 통해 WHO가 더 이상 신뢰할 수 없는 조직이라는 사실이 드러났으며, 유럽의 진보파를 중심으로 WHO를 대체할 수 있는 새로운 조직체 건설에 대한 논의가 이루어지고 있나 봅니다.

 PACE’s Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee 두번째 청문회 소식

출처 : Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg 홈페이지

Social, Health and Family Affairs:

Paris, 29.03.2010 – “The next time someone cries wolf over a pandemic, the overwhelming majority will not take it seriously,” participants were told today at a parliamentary hearing on the handling of the H1N1 pandemic, organised in Paris by PACE’s Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee.

“A pandemic cannot be whatever the WHO declares it is. If it turns out that former PACE member Wolfgang Wodarg was right when he said the pandemic was decided to help the pharmaceutical industry make bigger profits, this might well turn out to be one of the biggest health scandals ever,” said Paul Flynn (United Kingdom, SOC), PACE rapporteur on this issue.

Participants also expressed regret at the WHO’s failure to revise its position on the pandemic, and warned against a possible repetition of events if no lessons were learnt. “The world no longer trusts the WHO, but we need a body of this kind and it must therefore restore its own credibility,” Mr Flynn added.

He paid tribute to the rare courage of the Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz, who had refused to be held hostage by the pharmaceutical industry and did not order vaccines. She said that drug company profit should not be more important than people.

She urged the WHO to urgently re-examine their position and decrease the pandemic alert level. She also denounced the lack of solidarity among European states when the pandemic was declared and the lack of co-ordination at EU level. Marc Gentilini, an expert in infectious diseases who is a former President of the French Red Cross, regretted that there was no such thing as a European health policy and called for the building of what he called a Europe of Health: “The precautionary principle is not a political umbrella to be abused,” he said.

Health researcher Tom Jefferson, of the independently-funded Cochrane Collaboration, stressed that parliamentary democracy was the best means of ensuring that private interests do not prevail over the sovereignty of states: “We trust democracy to have a surveillance system that works. The public health sector may not rely on privatised expertise,” he warned, underlining that so-called experts did not emerge like daisies but were “created and made into key opinion-leaders”.

Michèle Rivasi, a member of the Green Group in the European Parliament, who is calling for an inquiry by MEPs into the handling of the ‘flu pandemic, illustrated what she called “the chronicle of a pandemic foretold” and denounced the rush with which the WHO had announced the pandemic. She asked whether we were getting the whole truth from the WHO. She said it was important for PACE and the European Parliament to work together on this issue.

The participants also regretted that the WHO had not accepted the invitation to participate in this second hearing.

Video of the second hearing

Video of the press conference

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Zugehörige Dateien:
Powerpoint Präsentation von Dr. Tom Jerfferson, (Cochrane Collaboration Network) Download (2341 kb)
Das Statement von Dr. Tom Jefferson (Cochrane Collaboration) Download (86 kb)
Entwurf eines Memorandums vom Berichterstatter Paul Flynn (GB/SOC) Download (197 kb)

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