
[전염병] WHO, 홍역 예산삭감으로 다시 유행 우려

세계보건기구(WHO)는 최근 홍역 사망자가 2000년 110만 명에서 2008년 11만8,000명으로 줄어들어 퇴치단계에 들어선 전염병인데도 불구하고… 2008년 홍역예방접종 예산이 삭감되어  지난해 아프리아, 아시아, 남미 등의 제3세계 가난한 국가들에서 홍역이 대규모로 유행하며 사망자 수가 급증했기 때문에…다시 증가할 우려가 있으며… 2012년 50만명 이상의 사망자를 발생시킬 우려가 있다는 입장을 표명했다는 소식입니다.


WHO adopts plan to cut measles amid fears of resurgence

GENEVA — World Health Organisation members adopted an ambitious plan against measles in a bid to prevent the resurgence of the disease which could kill up to 500,000 people a year by 2012, a WHO expert said Friday.

“Starting in 2008, there has been a considerable decline in funding and political commitment for measles control that has resulted in the stagnation of progress,” said Peter Strebel, medical officer of the WHO’s department of immunization, vaccines and biologicals.

As a result, the disease is “making a rapid comeback” with large outbreaks across Africa as well as in parts of Asia and Europe.

“More alarmingly, WHO estimates that the combined effect of decreased financial and political commitment could result in a return to over 500,000 measles deaths a year by 2012, wiping out the gains made over the past 18 years,” added Strebel.

In a bid to prevent the resurgence, the 193 member states of the WHO meeting this week in Geneva adopted a series of targets for 2015 aimed at cutting measles cases to less than five per million persons as well as reducing mortality by 95 percent from its 2000 levels.

It also aims at achieving at least 90 percent of measles vaccination coverage nationally.

An earlier goal set by the WHO had targeted a cut in measles mortality by 90 percent from 2000 by 2010. It said in December 2009 that all regions except one managed to achieve the goal.

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