
[기감] 5.3.5. 디아지오 기업범죄 / 이어서

5.3.5. 이어서

5.6 환경 파괴

2004년 디아지오는 온실 가스 배출량, 폐수 방출과 에너지 사용의 감소를 위한 목표를 달성하지 못했다. 2007년 에너지 사용 절감 목표를 달성하지 못했던 2004년 수준으로 정했고, 2007년 온실가스 배출량 목표도 달성하지 못했던 2004년 수준보다 더 보수적으로 정했다. 디아지오는 여전히 총량과 상대적인 수준에서는 모두 증가하고 있지만, 2004년 폐수와 매립 쓰레기 목표는 달성하였다.(디아지오의 기업시민 보고서에 이러한 수치에 대한 자세한 내용을 언급하고 있다) 윤리적인 소비자 잡지에 따르면, 200년에 디아지오는 원료 및 배출 감축을 위한 목표달성에 실패했고,  이후의 목표를 매우 보수적으로 잡고 상대적으로 별 노력없이 이룰 수 있는 배출 감소 목표 덕에 이를 맞추는데 성공했다고 한다.

왜 물이지?

디아 지오가 자선의 영역으로 선택한 영역이 아직도 또다시 물이라는 것은 이 회사가 해결보다는 문제를 훨씬 더 많이 만들었다는 점에서 흥미롭다 : 양조장은 자주 최악의 오염 물질과 물의 가장 큰 소비자로 여겨지는데, 특히 아프리카에서는 더하다. 새로운 처리공장을 설치하기 전까지, 우간다맥주공장은 국영정수장에서 물을 끌어다 쓰고 빅토리아 호수에 자주 권장한도를 10배나 그 이상 초과하는 폐수와 깨진 유리 등을 흘려 보냈다. 이건 우발적인 사고가 아니다. 유엔인간정착 프로그램의 집행이사는 2003년 케냐맥주공장이 나이로비에 공급되는 총 물공급량의 약 6%를 쓰고있다고 비난했다. 동아프리카에서 수질오염에 대한 보고서는 탄자니아 맥주공장이(일부는 디아지오 소유인) 음심바지강이 오염되어 ‘실질적으로 삶을 빼앗은’ 것에 대부분의 책임이 있다고 말하고 있다. 흥미롭게도 내수면 물에 폐수를 방출해서 벌금을 물으면서, 디아지오가 통합하구관리에 대한 교육수첩의 스폰서가 되었다는 것을 우리가 말레이시아에서 알게됐을 때, 이 아이러니는 결말이 났다.

5.6 Environmental damage

In 2004, Diageo missed its targets for reduction of energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and liquid effluent. It set 2007 targets for energy use at the same level as the missed 2004 target ,and set a more conservative target for 2007 than the missed 2004 target for greenhouse gas emissions. Diageo achieved its 2004 targets for water used and solid waste landfilled, though these still constituted an increase both in total supply and in relative level (refer to Diageo’s Corporate Citizenship Report for details of these figures).88 According to Ethical Consumer magazine, in 2000 Diageo failed to meet its targets for reduction of raw materials and emissions, and set conservative targets for the future, which it succeeded in meeting most likely due to output reduction, with emissions relative to output making little progress.89

Why water?

It is interesting that water is Diageo’s prime chosen area for charity given that, yet again, the company is a far bigger part of the problem than it is of the solution: breweries are frequently listed among the worst pollutants and biggest consumers of water, especially in Africa. Until new treatment plants were installed, Uganda Breweries was taking water from the national supply, and then discharging effluent and broken glass into Lake Victoria at levels which exceeded the recommended limits often by ten times or more.90 This is no isolated incident. In 2003 the executive director of the United Nations Human Settlement programme complained that Kenya Breweries was consuming nearly 6% of the total water supply for Nairobi City.91 A report into water pollution in East Africa held Tanzania Breweries, (partly owned by Diageo,) largely responsible for the fact that the Msimbazi River was so polluted as to be ‘practically devoid of life.’92 The irony is complete when we learn that in Malaysia, Diageo have been sponsoring educational handbooks on integrated river mouth management,93 a gesture which, interestingly enough, came after the company had been fined for discharging effluent into inland water in the area.94

5.7 유전자 변형 제품

하겐다즈 아이스크림(영국하겐다즈는 디아지오의 자회사 중 하나다)의 초콜릿은 유전자 콩 레시틴이 포함되어있니다; 뿐만 아니라, 어떤 종류의 제품에는 유전자조작제품이 들어있는 옥수수 시럽을 포함하고 있다. 1999년 디아지오는 유전자조작식품 반대캠페인의 타겟이 된 회사들 중의 하나였다.

5.8 다자간 투자 협정 – 불공평한 무역규칙 추진

1998년 디아지오는 다자간투자협정(MAI) 협상에 관여했다. MAI는 OECD를 통해 다국적기업들이 통과시키려는 협정이다. 심각한 사회와 환경에 대한 결과를 반대하는 세계 전역의 연합그룹에 의해 이 협정은 무산됐다. 그것은 전례없는 방식으로 자유무역의 개방과 투자가 증가시키고, 결과적으로 실제적인 힘을 책임감이 없는 개인기업에 맡기게 될 뻔했을 것이다.

5.9 콜롬비아

2004년 11월 8일 디아지오는 페르노-리카와 함께 콜롬비아 정부가 이 회사들이 공식적인 높은 과세의 유통 네트워크를 우회해서 마약 밀매조직을 통해 수입하고 또한 돈세탁과 테러집단을 지원했다는 이유로 제기한 소송에 자신들을 방어했다. 만들어 상대로 기업 대신 알코올 기업의 마약 습니다. 주장에 따르면 디아지오와 다른 회사들은 정부소유 기업과 불법적으로 경쟁했고 자금세탁하는 업체로처로 부터 뇌물을 받았다고 한다. 디아지오는 적극적으로 이러한 주장으로부터 스스로를 방어하기로 결정했다.  

5.7 Genetically Modified products

The chocolate in Haagendazs Ice Cream (Haagendazs UK is one of Diageo’s subsidiaries) contains GM soya lecithin; in addition, some varieties contain corn syrup which may contain GM.95 In 1999 Diageo was one of a number of companies targeted in a shareholder anti-GM campaign.96

5.8 MAI – Promoting Unjust Trade Rules

In 1998 Diageo was involved in the negotiation of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). The MAI was an agreement multi-national companies tried to get passed through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The agreement was defeated by a world-wide coalition of groups opposed to the serious social and environmental consequences it was expected to have. It would have increased investment rights and the opening up of free trade in an unprecedented manner, resulting in a real transfer of power to unaccountable private corporations.97

5.9 Colombia

On 8 November 2004 Diageo together with Pernod Ricard were forced to defend themselves against a suit made by the Columbian government that the companies had bypassed the heavily-taxed official state alcohol distribution networks, instead importing alcohol through drug traffickers, and companies laundering drug money and supporting terrorist groups. According to the allegations, Diageo and the other companies had competed illegally with government-owned businesses and received bribes from companies dealing with laundered funds. Diageo determined to defend itself vigorously against these allegations.98

5.10 인권

디아지오는 180개국에서 영업을 하고있지만, 여러나라에서 심각한 인권 유린이 일어나고 있으므로, 이 회사가 영업과정에서 인권 침해를 규탄하겠다는 약속을 하기에는 어려움을 가지고 있다. 국제앰네스티는 1999에 디아지오가 탄자니아, 터키, 러시아, 필리핀, 멕시코, 인도네시아, 콜롬비아 그리고 나이지리아 (기네스의 세계 3위 시장) 등 억압정권이 있는 나라에 투자하고 시장을 구축하고 있다고 지적했다. 2003년 국제비즈니스리더포럼(IBLF)은 이에 관심을 갖고 회사의 평판에 손상을 주는 국가들에서의 회사운영과 인권에 대한 회사의 정책 사이의 불일치에 대해 제안을 했다. 이를 방지하기 위해, 디아지오는 국제앰네스티와 공동으로 인권에 대한 정책을 정했다. 제프리 부시 기업시민 이사는 디아지오가 활동하는 국가들에서 우리가 지역 경제에 도움을 주는 것을 뛰어넘어 인권유린에 대해 할 수 있는 것은 거의 없다 : ‘우리의 시점에서 우리가 할 수 있는 최선의 일은 양조장을 건설하는 것이다.’

5.11 중소기업 조이기

2002년, 디아지오는 캘리포니아 주의회에서 등록된 기업에만 독점적인 와인수입권을 주는 것을 제한하는 효과가 있는 법안을 후원했다. 이 법안의 커다란 반대를 일으켜 마침내 폐기되었지만, 패서디나에 있는 조슈아트리수입사 파트너매니저인  마이클 오프달에 따르면, 작은 수입상들은 ‘아마도 장 큰 위협’에 직면했을 것이고, 현지 비즈니스는 끝이 될 수도 있었다고 말했다.

5.10 Human rights

As Diageo has operations in 180 countries, it has difficulty in putting its commitment to condemning human rights violations into practice, as many of these countries are ones in which serious human rights abuses take place. In 1999 Amnesty International pointed out that Diageo had operations, and investments into establishing markets, in countries with oppressive regimes including Tanzania, Turkey, Russia, the Philippines, Mexico, Indonesia, Colombia, and Nigeria (the world’s 3rd market for Guinness).99 In 2003 the IBLF drew attention to this, suggesting that the discrepancy between the company’s policy on human rights and its operations in these countries might damage the company’s reputation. To guard against this, Diageo drew up a policy on human rights in collaboration with Amnesty International. Geoffrey Bush, director of corporate citizenship, suggested that there was little Diageo could do about human rights abuses in countries it operates in, beyond assisting the local economy: ‘from our point of view the best thing we can do is build a brewery.’100

5.11 Squeezing out small businesses

In 2002, Diageo sponsored a bill in the California Assembly which would have had the effect of limiting imports of wine to a small monopoly of registered companies. This provoked a major campaign and the bill was finally blocked, but according to Michael Opdahl, managing partner of Joshua Tree Imports in Pasadena, it represented ‘perhaps the greatest threat’ smaller importers had ever faced, and could have been the end for local business.101

5.12 탈리도마이드 스캔들과 그 여파

탈리도마이드는 1954년에 만들어진 약으로, 1950년대 후반 임신여성의 입덧에 대한 처방약이었다. 이 약은 임신중 기형과 팔다리가 없는 아기 등의 심각한 기형을 나타냈다. 1985년, 기네스가 사들인 디스틸러스는 1958년에 이 약의 제조와 판매를 했던 회사다. 1973년 디스틸러스는 탈리도마이드 피해자에 대한 보상에 대한 책임을 인정하지 못했으며, 디스틸러스에 의해 만들어진 기존의 안은 영국탈리도마이드에 의해 ‘영구에서 가장 낮은 의료 청구’라고 설명되었는데, 2000년, 이 그룹은 1973년의 비난배제 보상기금이 불충분하다고 보고, 이 약의 피해자 중 생존한 456명의 영국 피해자에 대한 완전한 보상을 얻기까지, 디아지오의 모든 브랜드에 대한 불매운동을 선언했다. 2000년 6월, 디아지오는 탈리도마이드트러스트에 대한 회사의 지불을 늘렸다.

5.13 기네스사건

1986년 디스틸러스의 인수에 성공을 위해서 주식 가격을 올리려고 인위적으로 주식의 광범위한 구매를 조종하여 기네스의 주가를 조작한 혐의로 1990년 기소된 ‘기네스 4′ 사건에 대해 유죄 판결을 받았다. 1986년 12월, 무역상무부는 이에 대한 조사에서 불법으로 판단했다. 전 기네스 최고경영자 어네스트 손더스은 허위 회계, 공모와 절도에 대해 항소했고 결국 절반 가까이 떨어진 5년 형을 받았다. 또한 증권매매가 앤소니 파네즈와 사업가 제럴드 론슨도 감옥에 수감되었고, 컨설턴트 잭 라이언은 벌금형에 처해졌다. 1991년 손더스는 그가 알츠하이머 병을 앓고 있다는 이유로 형기를 남겨놓고 석방되었는데, 석방 후 그의 증상은 빠르게 회복됐다(알츠하이머는 난치병이다).

5.12 The Thalidomide Scandal and its aftermath

Thalidomide was a drug produced in 1954, and prescribed to pregnant women for morning sickness in the late 1950s. It was found to produce severe deformities in babies including internal deformities and missing limbs. Distillers, which was bought by Guinness in 1985, was the company which manufactured and marketed the drug in 1958. In 1973 Distillers failed to accept liability when offering compensation to victims of thalidomide, and the original settlement made by Distillers is described by the group Thalidomide UK as ‘the lowest medical claim ever awarded in the UK.’102 in 2000 this group called for a boycott of all brands owned by Diageo with the aim of obtaining full compensation for the surviving 456 British victims of the drug, who saw the no-blame compensation fund of 1973 as inadequate. In June 2000 Diageo extended the company’s payments to the Thalidomide Trust.103

5.13 The Guinness Affair

In 1990 the ‘Guinness Four’ were convicted of trying to manipulate the price of shares in Guinness, by artificially organising widespread buying of shares to boost the share price in order to succeed in its takeover bid of Distillers in 1986. This was judged illegal by the DTI in their investigation of December 1986. Ernest Saunders, former Guinness Chief Executive, was imprisoned for 5 years, which was halved on appeal, for false accounting, conspiracy and theft. Also imprisoned were trader Anthony Parnes and businessman Gerald Ronson, and consultant Jack Lyons was fined.104 In 1991 Saunders was released from his term on the grounds that he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, though he subsequently recovered from his symptoms (Alzheimer’s is incurable).105


1 The World Health Organisation, World Health Report 2002, www.who.int/whr/2002/chapter4/en/index6.html – viewed 10.02.05
2 World Health Organisation Global Status Report on Alcohol Policy, 2004 p. 9 www.who.int/substance_abuse/publications/en/Alcohol%20Policy%20Report.pdf – viewed 10.02.05
3 Derek Rutherford, ‘Social Aspects Organisations: A health warning’, The Globe www.ias.org.uk/publications/theglobe/02issue3/globe02issue3.pdf – viewed 10.02.05
4 BBC News ‘Alcohol puts huge pressure on the NHS’, 06.03.04, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3537257.stm
5 World Health Organisation Global Status Report on Alcohol Policy, 2004 p. 9 www.who.int/substance_abuse/publications/en/Alcohol%20Policy%20Report.pdf – viewed 10.02.05
6 Oligopoly Watch, www.oligopolywatch.com/2003/05/27.html – viewed 25.01.05; Keynote reports, beverages 2003
7 Keynote Reports, ‘Beverages,’ 2003
8 CAMRA ‘Save Britain’s Independent Brewers’ campaign, www.camra.org.uk/SHWebClass.asp?WCI=ShowCat&CatId=221 – viewed 10.02.05
9 Jay Rayner, ‘On the Streets of Binge Britain,’ The Observer, 05.09.2004, http://observer.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,,1297347,00.html – viewed 25.01.05
10 Diageo Annual Report 2004, www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R531.pdf p.15 – viewed 10.02.05
11 NBC in pact with Diageo to run liquor ads , USA Today, 14.12 01 www.usatoday.com/money/advertising/2001-12-14-liquor.htm – viewed 24.01.05
12 Diageo Code of Marketing Practices for Alcoholic Beverages, www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R401.pdf – viewed 10.02.05
13 Diageo Code of Marketing Practices for Alcoholic Beverages, p.2/p.4 www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R401.pdf – viewed 10.02.05
14 Diageo Code of Marketing Practices for Alcoholic Beverages, p.2/p.4 www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R401.pdf – viewed 10.02.05
15 ‘Creative adverts selling drink,’ BBC News, 15.03.04 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3513042.stm – viewed 10.02.05
16 The Portman Group, ‘Don’t be the Drunken Monkey,’ www.portman-group.org.uk/campaigns/263.asp – viewed 10.02.05
17 Annie kelly, ‘New Ads warn of Binge Drinking Danger,’ The Guardian, 28.05.04 http://society.guardian.co.uk/drugsandalcohol/story/0,,1227048,00.html – viewed 25.01.05
18 www.captiveanimals.org/news/2004/chimps.htm viewed 30.11.04
19 Peter Gotting, ‘Diageo Puts Up but is told to shut up,’ Sunday Morning Herald, 20.08.03 www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/08/20/1061368349838.html?from=storyrhs&oneclick=true – viewed 02.02.05
20 Julia Finch, ‘Drink Firm’s Shock for Bingers,’ The Guardian, 09.10.04, www.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,,1323368,00.html – viewed 10.02.05
21 Keynote Reports, ‘Beverages,’ 2003
22 Jay Rayner, ‘On the Streets of Binge Britain,’ The Observer 05.09.2004, http://observer.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,,1297347,00.html – viewed 25.01.05
23 Keynote Reports, ‘Beverages,’ 2003
24 http://bankrupt.com/CAR_Public/031128.mbx
25 Diageo Annual Report 2004 www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R531.pdf p.22 – viewed 15.02.05
26 Join Together, ‘Diageo Violates Marketing Code with Guinness Ads,’ 16.03.2004, www.jointogether.org/sa/news/alerts/reader/0,1854,569898,00.html viewed 07.06.2005
27 BBC News, ‘Diageo admits Cardhu malt defeat’ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/3546321.stm viewed 15.02.05
28 Ethical Consumer Magazine, Issue 75 February-March 2002, Research Supplement, Beer Lager and Cider, p. 4 – 5. ECRA Publishing Limited;
Hillary Abramson, ‘Big Alcohol puts on a Front’, Multinational Monitor, December 1998, http://multinationalmonitor.org/mm1998/98dec/front1.html, viewed 15.02.05
29 WHO World Declaration on Young People and Alcohol, 2001, www.euro.who.int/AboutWHO/Policy/20030204_1
30 Online Advertising and Marketing Law Report, www.adlawbyrequest.com/international/Diageo012203.shtml+smirnoff+taiwan&hl=en viewed 30.11.04;
BBC News, ‘Taiwan mulls Diageo ban’, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/2652705.stm viewed 30.11.04
31 BBC News, ‘Norway Bans Diageo over Vodka Promotions’, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2187118.stm viewed 30.11.04
32 Diageo Corporate citizenship report, 2004 www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R532.pdf, viewed 04.12.04
33 John Kelly, ‘The limits and contradictions of social partnership,’ www.communist-party.org.uk/articles/2003/february/the%20limits%20and%20contradictions%20of%20social%20partnership.shtml, viewed 02.12.04
34 ‘Organisational change and employee information and consultation’, TonyDundon, Dierdre Curran, Maureen Maloney, Paul Ryan, National University of Ireland, Galway, www.ibec.ie/ibec/ibecdoclib3.nsf/cb0e6ff75bb9789880256f24004e9735/ef9088f1c506a29080256f50005984c6/$FILE/NUIG_research.pdf, viewed 05.12.04
35 ‘Diageo concludes innovative EWC agreement,’ www.eiro.eurofound.eu.int/2002/11/feature/ie0211204f.html, viewed 02.12.04
36 ibid.
37 ‘The impact of European Works Councils’ www.eiro.eurofound.eu.int/1998/07/study/tn9807201s.html, viewed 05.12.04
38 ‘Diageo concludes innovative EWC agreement,’ www.eiro.eurofound.eu.int/2002/11/feature/ie0211204f.html, viewed 02.12.04
39 ‘Guinness unions seek to define EWC consultation after job cuts announced’ www.eiro.eurofound.eu.int/2000/10/inbrief/ie0010212n.html viewed 05.12.04
40 ‘Union revitalzation in the United Kingdom’ International Labour Organisation Discussion Paper, ed. Heery, John Kelly, Jeremy Waddington www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/inst/download/dp13302.pdf, viewed 06.12.04
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44 Diageo Scotland, Corporate Citizenship Report, 2003 www.diageo.com/html/diageocorprep03/files/scotland.pdf, viewed 05.12.04
45 BBC News, Diageo attacked over whisky cuts http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/3920837.stm, viewed 05.12.04
46 www.partnership-at-work.com/index.php?scmd=ViewCaseStudy&id=3567&sid=45, vieweed 05.12.04
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50 John Kolawole, Nigeria Trade Union Congress Secretary General, quoted by Chris Nwachuku, ‘Workers Reject Sack of 500 in Guinness’, This Day (Lagos), 25.02.05, http://allafrica.com/stories/200502250176.html, last viewed 20.03.05
51 Ifeanyi Onyeonoru (Ph.d), ‘Trade unions and neo-liberal reforms: globalized trends and emergent patterns of contestation’, Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, June 2003, www.interaction.nu.ac.za/sasa2003/Onyeonoru.htm, last viewed 20.03.05
52 Rita Onoshevwe, ‘NLC and the war against casualisation’, Daily Independent Online, 18.06.03, http://news.biafranigeriaworld.com/archive/2003/jun/18/0091.html, last viewed 20.03.05
53 Prisca Egede, ‘Labour vows to step up anti-casualisation campaign’, The Guardian Nigeria, 03.10.2002, http://news.biafranigeriaworld.com/archive/ngguardian/2002/oct/03/article08.html, last viewed 20.03.05
54 Diageo Scotland , Corporate Citizenship Report, 2003 www.diageo.com/html/diageocorprep03/files/scotland.pdf, viewed 05.12.04
55 ‘Ariba puts Diageo’s supply chain online’ http://software.silicon.com/os/0,39024651,11015310,00.htm – viewed 09.12.04
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57 ‘Canadian Institute of Public and Pricvate Real Estate companies’ www.cipprec.ca/research_education/technology%20-%20e-procurement.htm#Supplier%20Fears, viewed 12.12.04
58 Jim Walker, president of the National Farmer’s Union of Scotland, quoted www.lifestyle.scotsman.com/yourhealth/health_headlines_specific.cfm?articleid=6834, 29.10.02
59 www.bottlesuppliers.net/news/02january.php, 0.11.03, original article in the Scotsman –
60 BBC News, ‘Whiskey Prices Anger Scots Farmers,’ 28.10.02, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/2369567.stm viewed 15.02.05
61 Diageo website, ‘Partnering with suppliers’, www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R139.pdf, last viewed 31.03.05
62 Insight Investment, Halifax Bank of Scotland, ‘Gradient – Promoting best practice management of supply chain labour standards’, www.gradient-index.net/GradientReport.pdf, last viewed 31.03.05.
63 ibid. p.4
64 ibid. p.5
65 ibid. p.27
66 ibid.
67 Diageo Africa, company profile, www.careersinafrica.com/CareersinAfrica2005Diageo.asp, last viewed 22.02.05
68 ‘Corporate Governance in Africa, A Study of Publicly Listed Companies’ London Business School, UK, www.africaplc.com/typetool/uploads/main_news/docs/CGiA%20Final%20Report.pdf, last viewed 22.02.05
69 Selling booze: alcohol marketing in Nigeria. A Paper for World Health Organisation Valencia conference, 2002. Obot, Isidore S, Ibanga, Akan J. www.ias.org.uk/publications/theglobe/02issue2/globe02issue2.pdf. Last viewed 01.03.05
70 The Corporate Socal Responsibility Newswire Service, ‘Momentum Builds for the Commonwealth Business Forum’, 11.25.03, www.csrwire.com/article.cgi/2288.html, last viewed 25.03.05
71 Quoted by Sean Healy, ‘Next on the M1 Hitlist: The Comonwealth Business Forum’, The Green Left Weekly, www.greenleft.org.au/back/2001/450/450p9.htm, last viewed 25.03.05
72 ‘The Commonwealth, the WTO and the Doha Round: a compass for trade policy reform, growth and development.Recommendations of the Commonwealth Business Council (CBC)’, July 2003, collections/internationalTradePolicyUnit/Razeen_articles/THE%2520 COMMONWEALTH%2520AND%2520THE%2520WTO.doc+abuja+chogm+cbc+forum+influence&hl=en, last viewed 25.03.05
73 Diageo Corporate Citizenship Report, 2004 ‘Focus on Africa’ www.diageo.com/citizenshipreport2004/africa.asp, last viewed 25.02.05
74 Educare, NGO as quoted by Rory Carroll in the Soociety Guardian, ‘Brewing up Standards’, 17.11.03 http://society.guardian.co.uk/givinglist/story/0,10994,1087123,00.html, last viewed 25.02.05
76 eg. International Federationof the Blue Cross: HIV AIDs and alcohol www.eurocare.org/bluecross/english/topic03eng.html, last viewed 25.022.05
77 Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Report of the Expert Meeting, ‘The Role of the Business Sector in Scaling-up access to Antiretroviral Therapy’, May 2003, p.14, http://www.kintera.org/atf/cf/%7BEE846F03-1625- 4723-9A53-B0CDD2195782%7D/Expert_Meeting_Report%202003.pdf, last viewed 21.03.05
78 Rory Carroll in the Soociety Guardian, ‘Brewing up Standards’, 17.11.03 http://society.guardian.co.uk/givinglist/story/0,10994,1087123,00.html, last viewed 25.02.05
79 Diageo website, ‘Project Description: Guinness Nigeria – Water of Life in the Community”, www.diageo.com/pageengine.asp?menu_id=0&site_id=4§ion_id=21&page_id=977, last viewed 20.03.05
80 ‘Guinness pland borehole for Badia Residents’, Nigeria News Now, http://nigerianewsnow.com/News/June04/220604_boreholes.htm, last viewed 20.03.05; Kingsley Emereuwa, ‘Guinness exctends “Water of Life” to Abia Communities’, This Day Online, 16.11.04, www.thisdayonline.com/archive/2003/06/12/20030612dia01.html, last viewed 20.03.05;
81 Diageo, 2004 Corporate Citizenship Report, www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R532.pdf, last viewed 20.03.05
82 ‘Social Impacts’, Corporate Citizenship Report 2004, East Africa Breweries Ltd. www.eabrew.com/content/ccrep_eng.pdf, last viewed 01.03.05
83 ‘Selling booze: alcohol marketing in Nigeria. A Paper for World Health Organisation Valencia conference, 2002. Obot, Isidore S, Ibanga, Akan J. www.ias.org.uk/publications/theglobe/02issue2/globe02issue2.pdf. Last viewed 01.03.05
84 ‘Africa’s very own James Bond’, Jo Foster, Cameroon, BBC News, 17.04.03 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2956043.stm, last viewed 01.03.05
85 ‘Critical Assignment’ African Theater USA www.africantheaterusa.com/reviews.htm#critical%20assignment, last viewed 01.03.05
86 East Africa Breweries Ltd Corporate Citizenship Report 2004, p5, www.diageo.com/download%5C-9999—R487.txt.pdf, last viewed 25.03.05
87 Adam Jones, ‘A New Respect for Moonshine’, Financial Times 20.12.03
88 Diageo Corporate Citizenship Report,www.diageo.com/download%5C3000—R532.pdf,p.25 -viewed 25.01.05
89 Ethical Consumer Magazine, Issue 75 March 2002, Research Supplement, Beer Lager and Cider, p. 4 – 5. ECRA Publishing Limited
90 ‘Environemtal Impacts of Trade Liberalisation and Policies for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources: A Case Study on Uganda’s Fisheries Sector’, Economic Policy Research Centre, Kampala, Uganda. www.unep.ch/etu/etp/acts/capbld/rdone/uganda.pdf, last viewed 25.02.05
91 Speech Delivered by Mrs. Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Executive Director, UN-HABITAT, United Nations Foundation Washington D.C., 11 February 2003 www.unhabitat.org/director/unf.asp, last viewed 25.02.05
92 ‘Regional overview of land-based sources of pollutionand activities affecting the marine, coastal and associated fresh water environment in the East Africa Region’ Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar Es Salam, www.unep.org/water/regseas/eaf/eaf5/overview.doc+msimbazi+pollution+breweries&hl=en” class=”url” target=”_blank” title=””>, last viewed 25.02.05
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94 ‘Brewery fined for illegal discharge’ www.prn2.usm.my/mainsite/headline/poison/mac99.html, last viewed .1.03.05
95 www.btinternet.com/-clairejr/foodcomp/foodcomp.html – viewed 05.11.04
96 Ethical Consumer Magazine, Issue 75 February-March 2002, Research Supplement, Beer Lager and Cider, p. 4 – 5. ECRA Publishing Limited
97 ibid.
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BBC News, ‘Laundering Suit for Spirit firms,’ 08.11.04, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3991923.stm -viewed 25.01.05
99 Ethical Consumer Magazine, Issue 75 February-March 2002, Research Supplement, Beer Lager and Cider, p. 4 – 5. ECRA Publishing Limited
100 Julia Finch, ‘Brewing a set of standards,’ The Guardian 17.11.03 http://society.guardian.co.uk/givinglist/story/0,10994,1087122,00.html
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101 Wine Business Monthly, June 2002 http://winebusiness.com/html/MonthlyPrinterFriendly.cfm?issueid=54296&aid=54299, viewed 28.11.04
102 Thalidomide UK Website, www.thalidomideuk.com/ – viewed 25.01.05
103 Diageo website www.diageo.com/pageengine.asp?menu_id=0&site_id=4§ion_id= – viewed 20.01.05
104 BBC News, ‘Guinness Four fail in fight for acquittal,’ 21.12.01 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/1723136.stm viewed 26.11.04
105 www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Ernest-Saunders – viewed 15.02.05

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