
[구제역] 미국 의회조사국 보고서


GAO_FMD.pdf (2.51 MB)


To Protect U.S. Livestock, USDA Must Remain Vigilant andResolve Outstanding Issues


Letter 1
Executive Summary 2
Purpose 2
Background 3
Results in Brief 3
Principal Findings 6
Recommendations for Executive Action 11
Agency Comments 11
Chapter 1
FMD Is a Highly Contagious Animal Disease 12
Incidence of FMD Worldwide Is Extensive 15
International Community Has Guidelines to Control and Eradicate FMD 18
An FMD Outbreak Can Cost Billions of Dollars 19
Social Impacts of an Outbreak Can Be Significant 21
USDA Is Responsible for Protecting U.S. Livestock From FMD and Other Animal Diseases 22
U.S. Customs Service Supports USDA’s Efforts at Ports of Entry 24
Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 24
Chapter 2
USDA Has Adequate Processes to Obtain Information on Foreign FMD Outbreaks, but Dissemination to Customs Can Be Improved 27
USDA Obtains Information on Foreign FMD Outbreaks from Multiple Sources 27
USDA Lacks a Formal Process to Ensure Dissemination of FMD Information to Customs 29
Conclusions 33
Recommendations for Executive Action 34

Chapter 3
U.S. Measures to Prevent FMD Are Generally Comparable to Other Countries, but Complete Protection May Be Infeasible 35
USDA’s Efforts to Control and Eradicate FMD in Other Countries Help Reduce the Risk to U.S. Livestock 35
Despite U.S. Preventive Measures at Ports of Entry, Vulnerability to FMD Remains 37
U.S. Preventive Measures Are Comparable to Those Used by Other Countries 46
Conclusions 51
Recommendation for Executive Action 52
Agency Comments 52
Chapter 4
Despite Preparation Efforts, the United States Will Face Challenges in Responding Quickly
and Effectively to an FMD Outbreak 53
The Federal Government and Many States Have Developed and Tested Emergency Response Plans 53
Serious Challenges to an Effective U.S. Response Are Yet to Be Resolved 56
Conclusions 68
Recommendation for Executive Action 68

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