
[낙태권] 미국 후기낙태논쟁 재점화

‘Late’ abortion: comment and research

후기낙태가 미국에서는 논란이 계속 되어 왔었는데요, Will Saletan이란 pro-life 미국 작가(프로라이프에 관련된 책들로 유명세)가 쓴 글로 다시 논란이 촉발되었습니다.
http://www.slate.com/id/2282166/pagenum/all/#p2 Will Saletan의 글

프로초이스포럼에서 그동안의 입장을 정리했는데요, 밑에도 나오지만, “as early as possible, and as late as necessary” 낙태 시술은 가능한 빨리, 필요한 경우 최대한 늦게까지 제공되어야 한다는 입장을 고수하고 있습니다.

In recent weeks there has been on-going discussion in pro-choice circles about ‘late’ abortion, provoked initially by comment by the American writer Will Saletan, that access to abortion should be restricted.
Those associated with PCF have researched and written about ‘late’ abortion for many years. Our view has always been, and remains, that abortion should be provided to women as early as possible, and as late as necessary. Indeed, we consider ‘holding the line’ on this issue central to any pro-choice efforts worthy of that name.
Given the recent discussion, this PCF mailing is mainly focussed on ‘late’ abortion. Below we provide a compendium of resources, produced by PCF and by other organisations and individuals, which we hope you find this useful. We will be publishing this compendium on the PCF website in the near future, so please let us know if you have additional resources to recommend.
Comment pieces

Ann Furedi, A moral defence of late abortion
In this essay Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS, urges faltering pro-choice campaigners to rediscover their respect for women’s moral autonomy

Tracy Weitz, Abortion common ground: Simplistic answers won’t resolve complex issues
Writing on the ANSIRH blog, pro-choice advocate Tracy Weitz responds to William Saletan’s call for both sides of the abortion debate to find ‘common ground’.

Marge Berer, Can We Ever Say a Woman Can’t Choose? A Response to Frances Kissling
This article by the editor of Reproductive Health Matters, published on Reality Check, is part of the ongoing dialogue on choice and access to abortion begun in the last part of 2010

Jon O’Brien, Standing with women who need a later abortion
The President of Catholics for Choice wrote this comment in December 2010, as Dr. LeRoy Carhart opened a clinic near Washington, DC, in the US in an effort to provide services for women who need later abortions

Susan Yanow, Confronting our ambivalence, The need for second trimester abortion advocacy
The Catholics for Choice journal Conscience published this article in 2009, in response to on-going calls for more attention to be placed on ‘preventing the need for abortion’

Jennie Bristow, 24 reasons to defend 24 weeks
This article by the editor of Abortion Review was published by the online magazine Spiked in 2008 in the run up to Parliamentary debate about the British abortion law

Ellie Lee, How late is too late for women?
This commentary was published in 2008 as part of an Abortion Review special edition, ‘Abortion and Women’s Lives’

Q and A, ‘Late’ abortion, with Dr Patricia Lohr, Medical Director, bpas
This article was published by Abortion Review in 2008, and draws on available research and experience regarding the provision of second trimester abortion

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, Position paper on late abortions
This paper from 2007 describes the incidence of late term abortions, explains the reasons why they are performed, and argues that any effort to ban late term abortions in Canada would necessarily infringe on women’s constitutional rights

Research papers

Ellie Lee, Roger Ingham, Why do women present late for induced abortion? (research paper published in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2010, abstract only available as open access. Mail E.J.Lee@kent.ac.uk View more information here)

Lachlen J. de Crespigny and colleagues, Australian attitudes to early and late abortion (research article published in Medical Journal of Australia in 2010) View more information here

Roger Ingham, Ellie Lee, Steve Clements and Nicole Stone, Reasons for second trimester abortions in England and Wales (research paper published in Reproductive Health Matters in 2008, abstract only available as open access. Mail E.J.Lee@kent.ac.uk View more information here)

Various authors, Late abortion: a review of the evidence.
This special research-based publication was produced by PCF in 2004, when it was already clear that the upper limit for abortion would become the major focus for upcoming parliamentary debate about the British abortion law, which eventually took place in 2008. It includes contributions from Dr Stuart Derbyshire, Professor Sally Sheldon and Dilys Cossey OBE. Topics covered are: Abortion at 20 weeks or more: trends and statistics; Abortion methods in the second trimester; Why women have late abortions; Fetal sentience and the neurobiology of pain; Fetal viability; Antenatal screening for chromosome, structural and genetic abnormalities; Termination of pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormality; Continental European legislation on abortion; Abortion in late pregnancy: legal issues

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