
[한미FTA] 미 백악관, 무역지원조정제도 연장과 한미FTA 비준 연계

미 백악관(행정부)에서 무역지원조정(Trade Adjustment Assistance, TAA) 제도의 연장과
한-미, 미-콜럼비아, 미-파나마 FTA의 미국 의회 비준을 연계시키겠다는 방침을 밝혔습니다.

무역지원조정(Trade Adjustment Assistance, TAA) 제도는 자유무역협정(FTA) 등으로 피해를
입는 계층에게 연방정부 차원에서 재교육과 혜택을 제공하는 프로그램입니다.  우리나라에도
「자유무역협정 체결에 따른 무역조정 지원에 관한 법률」이 있더군요.

이 프로그램은 미국의 재정난과 예산 부담 증가 때문에  2011년 2월 종료되었습니다. 
미국 연방정부의 부채는 지난 5월 16일자로 법정 한도인 14조 2940억 달러에 도달한 것으로
밝혀졌는데요… 미국 의회가 7월말까지 채무한도 증액조치를 합의해주지 않을 경우  최악의
경우 채무상환불이행(디폴트)가 현실화될 수도 있습니다.

빚더미 위에 앉은 미국 정부가 무역지원조정(Trade Adjustment Assistance, TAA) 제도를
연장하는 것이 합리적이진 않겠지만… 오바마 대통령으로선 자신의 재선을 위해 이 제도의
연장이 절실히 필요한 상황입니다.

채무한도 증액조치와 무역지원조정(TAA)의 연장과 한미 FTA의 미국 의회 비준이 서로
연계되어 있는 상황인데…  한미 FTA가 미국 경제에 엄청난 이익을 가져다준다면 한국에선
어떤 재앙이 예고되어 있는지… 꼼꼼히 따져봐야 할 것 같습니다.

White House: No trade deals without workers’ aid


WASHINGTON – The White House is threatening to hold up final passage of three coveted free trade agreements unless lawmakers agree to expand retraining assistance for American workers who lose their jobs because of foreign competition.

The move comes as administration officials begin talks on Capitol Hill to finalize the agreements the White House reached to expand trade with South Korea, Panama and Colombia. President Barack Obama has said the deals are an integral part of his economic agenda, and the pacts have broad Republican support.

While administration officials have long said they supported expanding the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, or TAA, Monday’s announcement was the first time aides said they would be willing to delay the deals without it.

“We will not submit the FTAs without an agreement on an enhanced TAA,” said Gene Sperling, director of the National Economic Council. “But we also believe we can work on congressional leadership to get that accomplished.”

White House officials said they’re willing to proceed on the trade pacts without formal passage of the assistance expansion as long as lawmakers outline a plan for doing so.

The assistance program was expanded two years ago as part of Obama’s stimulus package to include aid for more displaced workers, but the expansion expired in February. Labor unions and some key Democratic lawmakers have demanded the expansion as a condition for supporting the trade deals.

While Republicans have typically been supportive of the TAA program, several GOP lawmakers have expressed concerns that the level of spending under the 2009 expansion is no longer sustainable given the Capitol Hill negotiations on debt and deficit.

Administration officials said Monday they did not have an estimate for how much it would cost to renew the assistance program. Sperling said the administration is working with Congress on ways to fund the program so it doesn’t add to the deficit.

The White House and Republicans had appeared to have a breakthrough on trade earlier this month when the administration started informal talks with congressional staff on the three trade deals. The talks are the first step toward the final ratification process.

The administration wanted lawmakers to pass the South Korea deal, the largest of the three, first while it negotiated outstanding issues with Colombia and Panama. But Republicans demanded the White House send all three agreements together, threatening to block the confirmation of a new commerce secretary and any trade-related nominees if that didn’t happen.

Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said the administration’s decision to link the trade deals with the assistance program was “hugely disappointing.”

“With our economy struggling and our nation broke, it’s time to stop the excuses and give our exporters fair access to international markets,” Hatch said in a statement.

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Congress is ready to act on the trade deals if the White House is.

“If the president acts quickly, the House would be prepared to pass all three before July 4th,” Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said.


Julie Pace can be reached at http://twitter.com/jpacedc.


White House: No trade deals unless Congress reaches agreement on
assistance for US workers



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