
[광우병] 미 CDC 연구팀, 사슴고기도 ‘유사 광우병’ 위험

미국 질병관리본부(CDC)의 응급및인수공통감염성질병센타(NCEZID)의 Joseph Y. Abrams 박사팀이 2011년 6월에 발간된 미국영양협회지( Journal of the American Dietetic Association) 111권 6호에 발표한 논문입니다 .

야생 사슴고기를 먹는 것은 ‘광우병’과 유사한 프리온질환에 노출될 수 있는 가장 일반적인 방법 중의 하나라는 사실을 경고했습니다.

논문의 저자들은 프리온 질환에 노출될 수 있는 경로로 다음 3가지를 들고 있습니다.
(CDC Warns Against Exposure to ‘Mad Cow’-Like Brain Diseases, HealthDay – Mon, Jul 11, 2011, http://news.yahoo.com/cdc-warns-against-exposure-mad-cow-brain-diseases-160405500.html  )

첫째, 영국, 아일랜드, 프랑스, 포르투갈, 스위스, 이탈리아, 네덜란드, 독일, 스페인 등 광우병(BSE)로 여행을 떠나는 것

둘째, 사슴이나 엘크 사냥을 하는 것, 특히 만성소모성질병(CWD)가 발생하는 지역(콜로라도 북동부, 위오밍 남동부, 네브라스카 남서부)에서 사슴이나 엘크 사냥을 하는 것

  • 셋째, 사슴고기를 먹는 일, 특히 야생 사슴고기를 먹는 일

  • Joseph Y. Abrams 박사팀이 발표한 논문의 요약문은 아래와 같습니다.

  • ============================================

    Travel History, Hunting, and Venison Consumption Related to Prion Disease Exposure, 2006-2007 FoodNet Population Survey

    Joseph Y. Abrams, Ryan A. Maddox, Alexis R. Harvey, Lawrence B. Schonberger

    출처 :  http://www.adajournal.org/article/S0002-8223(11)00278-1/abstract
     Journal of the American Dietetic Association Vol. 111, Issue 6, Pages 858-863
    June 2011


    The transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to human beings and the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD) among cervids have prompted concerns about zoonotic transmission of prion diseases. Travel to the United Kingdom and other European countries, hunting for deer or elk, and venison consumption could result in the exposure of US residents to the agents that cause BSE and CWD. The Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network 2006-2007 population survey was used to assess the prevalence of these behaviors among residents of 10 catchment areas across the United States. Of 17,372 survey respondents, 19.4% reported travel to the United Kingdom since 1980, and 29.5% reported travel to any of the nine European countries considered to be BSE-endemic since 1980. The proportion of respondents who had ever hunted deer or elk was 18.5%, and 1.2% had hunted deer or elk in a CWD–endemic area. More than two thirds (67.4%) reported having ever eaten deer or elk meat. Respondents who traveled spent more time in the United Kingdom (median 14 days) than in any other BSE-endemic country. Of the 11,635 respondents who had consumed venison, 59.8% ate venison at most one to two times during their year of highest consumption, and 88.6% had obtained all of their meat from the wild. The survey results were useful in determining the prevalence and frequency of behaviors that could be important factors for foodborne prion transmission.

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