
[GMO] 캐나다에서도 1998~2004년 몬산토 GM 밀 시험재배

월스트리트저널의 보도자료를 보니… 미 오리건주에서 적발된 몬산토사의
유전자조작 밀(MON 71800)이 캐나다 서부에서도 1998년~2004년 시험재배된
적이 있었더군요.

현재 캐나다에서 한국으로 수입되는 밀에 대한 통계 정보를 식품안전처에
요구하고… 캐나다산 수입 밀 및 밀가루에 대한 GMO 유입 여부에 대한
안전성을 어떻게 확보할 것인지에 대한 대책을 물어야 할 것 같습니다.

캐나다는 지난 2009년 유럽으로 수출한 flaxseed(아마씨)에서 유전자조작(GM)
씨앗이 오염된 것이 확인되어 상당한 경제적 댓가를 치룬 적이 있다고 합니다.


Discovery of Modified Wheat on U.S. Farm Watched Closely in Canada

월스트리트저널 보도자료 May 30, 2013, 4:17 p.m. ET

WINNIPEG, Manitoba–The discovery of genetically modified wheat in the
U.S. will have implications for the Canadian agriculture sector,
although the impact remains to be seen.

Genetically modified wheat was recently discovered at an Oregon farm
in a field that grew winter wheat in 2012. The wheat showed resistance
to the herbicide glyphosate. The wheat in question is reported to be a
strain that was field tested by Monsanto Co. (MON) from 1998 to 2005,
but was never commercially produced as the company stopped tests after
international opposition.

The GM wheat is said to be safe to eat, with no sign that any entered
the market, according to the USDA. While GM soybeans and corn are
common in the U.S., no genetically engineered wheat has ever been
approved for production in the country.

The USDA is now investigating how the GM wheat came to be on the field
and whether or not it is more widespread. Many importing countries are
opposed to GM wheat, and Japan announced it was canceling purchases of
U.S. western white and feed wheat in response to the discovery. The
European Union has also said it will test incoming shipments and block
any that contain GM wheat.

Field tests on glyphosate resistant Roundup-Ready wheat were also
conducted in western Canada from 1998 through 2004.

“It is highly unlikely that this particular U.S. contamination problem
has spread to Canada because of our strict rules around importation of
seed, however, it is both a warning and a lesson for Canada’s
regulatory system,” said Terry Boehm, president of the National
Farmers Union in Canada in a release.

Canadian flaxseed farmers recently faced a similar issue when a never
commercially grown GM variety was discovered in European shipments in
2009. The contamination led to millions of dollars in lost sales and
an expensive effort to rid the domestic seed supply of the GM seed,
the NFU said.

“Now, unfortunately, American farmers may well be facing the same type
of situation with their winter wheat,” Boehm said.

A Canadian grain trader said the resulting uncertainty in the U.S.
wheat market would put some spillover pressure on the Canadian wheat
market, as most Canadian wheat is priced off U.S. futures.

However, with Canada so far untouched by any GM wheat of its own,
“Canada may see a short-term benefit, because if they are blocking
U.S. exports they will likely turn to jurisdictions that are thought
to be free of GM wheat,” said Blair Rutter, executive director of the
Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association.

The Wheat Growers Association is an advocate of GM technology, “but
when we see an incident like this, it’s not the way we want to see
something enter the marketplace,” Rutter said.

“There is a real danger of over-reaction,” he said, noting while there
may be a short-term benefit for Canadian exports, “it’s not something
we’re happy about.” He said it was likely not good news for Canadian
farmers in the long run, especially if there are further delays in
moving forward on GM wheat.

Write to Phil Franz-Warkentin at cnscanada@shaw.ca

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