
[젠더와건강팀]저널리뷰-이주여성의 건강 관련 논문 2편 요약


이주여성건강090218.hwp (55.50 KB)

1) 안양희(2008), “일 지역 여성결혼이민자의 건강상태 및 건강행위”,〈한국보건간호학회〉, vol. 22. no.1. March. 

2) Marita Södergren, Ingrid Hylander, Lena Törnkvist, Jan Sundquist, and Kristina Sundzuist(2008), “Arranging Appropriate Activities: Immigrant Women’s Ideas of Enabling Exercies”, Women’s Health Issues 18. issue 5.

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