
[세미나]디지털 기술과 건강 불평등의 정치적 결정요인

디지털 기술과 건강 불평등의 정치적 결정요인

건강과대안에서는 디지털 헬스의 정치경제적 측면에 대해 지속적인 세미나를 해오고 있습니다. 2022년에는 디지털 헬스의 정치적 측면, 전지구적 흐름 등을 살펴보기 위한 세미나를 진행합니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

일시 : 5월 13일(금)부터 격주 금요일 저녁7시부터 9시까지(2시간) 3개월간 진행
장소 : 건강과대안 사무실(성수동)
참가 신청 링크 https://forms.gle/BAKT6pzw1mg3tE6d7

Global Policy Volume 12 . Supplement 6 . July 2021, Special Issue – Digital Technology and the Political Determinants of Health Inequities 의 논문들

1. 21st Century Capitalism and Innovation for Health – Susan K. Sell
2. Governing Artificial Intelligence in an Age of Inequality – Padmashree Gehl Sampath
3. Emerging Consensus on ‘Ethical AI’: Human Rights Critique of Stakeholder Guidelines – Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Elizabeth Gibbons
4. From Ghana to India, Saving the Global South’s Mothers with a Digital Solution – Marine Al Dahdah
5. The Appropriated Body: Biometrics Regime, The Digital State and Healthcare in Contemporary India – Rajiv K. Mishra
6. Digital Health in East Africa: Innovation, Experimentation and the Market – Tom Neumark and Ruth J. Prince
7. What’s Technology Got to Do With It? Power, Politics, and Health Equity Beyond Technological Triumphalism – Andrea A. Cortinois and Anne-Emanuelle Birn
8. The Too-Narrow Policy Debate: Lessons from Agricultural Biotechnology for Digital Technology – Manjari Mahajan
9. Mining the Data Oceans, Profiting on the Margins – Mary F. E. Ebeling
10. The Dangers of Data Colonialism in Precision Public Health – Kadija Ferryman
11. The Big Digital Contact Tracing Experiment – Antoine de Bengy Puyvallée and Katerini Tagmatarchi Storeng
12. COVID-Apps: Misdirecting Public Health Attention in a Pandemic – Susan Erikson
13. Algorithmic Bias and the (False) Promise of Numbers – Adam Moe Fejerskov

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