EXTRACT: “The ISAAA in its desperate attempt to bolster the popularity of GM crops in the media, has overestimated the spread of GM crops in SA by a staggering 400%!”http://gmwatch.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14660:isaaa-inflates-gm-figures-by-qstaggering-400q-NOTE: [...]
The GMO Seed CartelKen RoseboroNon-GMO Report, February 1, 2013http://www.non-gmoreport.com/articles/february2013/the-gmo-seed-cartel.php*How biotechnology companies monopolize seed markets, escalate seed prices, and eliminate farmer choiceThis is the first of a 2-part series [...]
‘유전자조작 옥수수’ 오래 먹은 쥐 종양 확률 높아 김보미 기자 bomi83@kyunghyang.com 경향신문 입력 : 2012-09-20 21:45:26ㅣ수정 : 2012-09-20 23:13:03 유전자조작 옥수수를 장기간 섭취한 쥐들에게서 거대 종양과 장기손상이 나타났다는 [...]